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Sensitivity Analysis of a Transient Groundwater Flow Modeling for Tunnel Excavation  

Jeong Bok- Seon (HeeSong Geotek Co., Ltd.)
Koo Min-Ho (Department of Geoenvironmental Sciences, Kongju National University)
Kim Yongje (Groundwater and Geothermal Resources Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)
Lee Jin-Yong (GeoGreen21 Co., Ltd.)
Publication Information
The Journal of Engineering Geology / v.14, no.3, 2004 , pp. 287-300 More about this Journal
By using a simple conceptual model, a sensitivity analysis is performed to examine the effects of changing model parameters on the model outputs, the groundwater discharge and the radius of influence, induced by tunnel construction. The results indicate that the model outputs are most sensitive to the tunnel depth and the hydraulic conductivity, and their sensitivities vary with time. It is also revealed that the sensitivity of the specific yield in- creases constantly with time, and therefore it is as important as the hydraulic conductivity for constructing a wet-system tunnel. A transient model is suggested to simulate the stepwise tunnel excavation and the watertight lining. The model is used for a tunnel construction site to predict groundwater mow into the tunnel and the transient response of the surrounding aquifer system. The predicted results are highly sensitive to the hydraulic conductivites assigned by model calibration. Thus, a postaudit should be made to reduce the uncertainty of the predictive model.
Visual Modflow; Sensitivity analysis; hydraulic conductivity; 3-D transient simulation;
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  • Reference
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