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Influence of Constipation in Women in Their Twenties on Low Back Pain  

Yu, Ha-young (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Miraero 21 Medical Center)
Jeong, Yeon-woo (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Gwangju Women's University)
Publication Information
The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy / v.24, no.2, 2018 , pp. 43-49 More about this Journal
Background: In this study, the importance of constipation and back pain was assessed by regression analysis of the effects of stress, dietary habits, and water intake on constipation in women in their twenties and the influence of constipation and body mass index (BMI) To provide basic data. Methods: This study selected 109 having constipation of 120 students attending G University in Gwangju and eating habits, water intake level, stress and BMI. Trigger point at the tip of erector spina was palated with tenderness set in order to examine whether muscle tenderness and actual low back muscle tenderness level were same and left and right parts were measured three times and average of Max values was used. We examined the effect of constipation on low back pain and examined constipation and BMI to determine whether they affected low back pain. Results: There was no significant difference in eating habit although there was a significant difference in the effect of stress and water intake on constipation. Constipation had significant difference in back pain. However, there was no significant difference in BMI, normal weight, overweight, and obesity except for low body weight. Conclusions: This study found that constipation was associated with stress levels, water intake, and back pain. In conclusion, this study suggests basic data to prevent and treat constipation-related back pain, and recommends plenty of water intake, proper exercise and stress management to prevent constipation.
Constipation; Low back pain; BMI;
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