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Importance and Satisfaction Analysis for Vitalization of River Estuary - Focused on the Nakdong Estuary -  

An, Byung-Chul (Dept. of Forest Landscape Architecture & Environment Science Institute, Wonkwang University)
Kwon, Jin-Wook (Dept. of Forest Resources and Landscape Architecture, Yeungnam University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture / v.46, no.6, 2018 , pp. 49-59 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to analyze the importance and satisfaction of resources in the mouth of Nakdong River. A Pearson's chi-square test was performed in SPSS 24.0 for statistical analysis and the result of the study was summarized by three points. First, the results of importance analysis on resources in Nakdong estuary found that the importance of ecology resources was the highest with 27.1%, followed by landscape resources (18.5%), waterside leisure resources (6.5%), complex cultural resources (5.4%), and historic and cultural resources (3.3%). The probability values (p-value) of each group had shown significant differences depending on gender, age, and the location of the survey. For instance, women respondents reported a higher preference to ecology resources and complex cultural resources such as museums than men respondents as much as two times and three times, respectively. Meanwhile, men respondents showed a higher preference to waterside leisure resources in three times as much as women respondents. As for the analysis by age, the respondents in their 20s and 30s recorded a higher value than those in other age groups, and people in their 30s reported a higher preference to waterside leisure resources than those in different age groups by three times. Lastly, no significant differences were found in the preference analysis by occupation (p>.05). With regard to the results of satisfaction analysis, the average level of satisfaction on landscape resources was 6.01, and that of ecology resources and complex cultural resource were 5.65 and 5.15, respectively. Also, significant differences were found between landscape and ecology resources in the satisfaction analysis by age, landscape resources by age, ecology resources by region, and between landscape resources and ecology resources by occupation. The p-value of complex cultural resources was p=0.012, although the satisfaction level of landscape resources and ecology resources were reported to have no significant differences by age. As for the level of satisfaction in landscape resources, respondents in their 40s and 50s showed a high level of satisfaction. However, those in their 20s showed a relatively low level of satisfaction in the same category. The survey respondents living in Busan and South Gyeongsang Province and those living outside the regions revealed no significant differences in terms of satisfaction in landscape resources and complex cultural resources. However, the two same groups were found to show significant differences in the satisfaction analysis on ecology resources. In the satisfaction analysis of landscape resources and ecology resources by occupation, significant differences were found among college students, government employees, ordinary citizens, and expert groups. However, they showed no significant differences in the level of satisfaction to complex cultural resources. Third, the results of importance-satisfaction analysis on Nakdong estuary found that the average levels of satisfaction to landscape resources for each group of respondents who considered landscape, ecology, and cultural resources as important was 6.19, 6.08, and 5.67, respectively. Their levels of satisfaction on ecology resources were 5.95, 5.57, and 5.41 for each. Its correlation to the importance was insignificant. However, it was confirmed that the correlation to the level of satisfaction on complex cultural resources had a significant difference (p=0.025). In addition, the results of the analysis on 15 detailed items that was carried out with the aim to improving values and vitalizing resources in the mouth of Nakdong River found that respondents considered that the vitalization of eco-tourism (49.5%) and restoration of reed marsh (47.5%) were important. The results of detailed analysis revealed respondents' high awareness on the need of enhancing values on ecology resources. Also, improving infrastructure nearby the mouth, creating cycling routes, walkways, waterside leisure facilities, and others were considered as the requirements for the vitalization of Nakdong estuary.
Landscape Resources; Ecology Resources; Cultural Resources; Pearson's Chi-Square; P-value;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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