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Rationalizing Strategies for Children's Activity Spaces and Facilities  

Park, Mi-Ok (Center of Eco & Green, Korea Nazarene University)
Koo, Bon-Hak (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Sang Myung University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture / v.40, no.4, 2012 , pp. 36-50 More about this Journal
This study was carried out to find contradiction factors on laws for children's activity spaces and facilities and to suggest the rational options to control and manage those spaces and facilities by environmental and landscape planning methods. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The major laws related to the environmental safety for children's activity spaces are "Environmental Health Act (ERA)" for managing the environmental safety of children's activity spaces; "Safety Supervision Law of Children's Play Facilities(SSLCPF)" for the inspection and management for safety of children's play facilities; "Quality Management and Industrial Products Safety Management Law(QMIPSML)" for managing safety certification on children's play equipments. 2. The interior space such as "living room" by the Children's Welfare Law(CWL), "Children Park" by the Act on Urban Parks and Green Spaces(AUPGS), "classroom" on private educational institutes by the Act on Establishment and Operation Private Lesson and Training(AEOPLT) and "nursing room" of child care center smaller than $430m^2$ are needed to be managed as an activity space. 3. In order to reduce industrial burden in the production, establishment, construction, and operation and to minimize unwilling extra burden in the administration effort due to legally double regulate, it is necessary to mitigate the inspections on the equipment certificate from QMIPSML and overlapped or different factors and standards must be unified. With this study, the landscape domain could he enlarged from producing, import of play equipment and establishment, construction and operation of play facilities for a comprehensive range of activity spaces, and the landscape industry such as engineering industry, academic research, management, etc.
Play Equipment; Environmental Safety; Inspection; Certification; Landscape Industry;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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