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Types and Historical Transition of Korean Traditional Seokgasan  

Yoon, Young-Jo (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School, Kangwon National University)
Yoon, Young-Hwal (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Kangwon National University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture / v.38, no.3, 2010 , pp. 83-97 More about this Journal
Seokgasan which is artificial rock mountain had been developed into one of the axes of traditional rock landscape of Goryo period and Joseon period as the central component of Korean traditional landscaping, but the legacy was cut off at the present. In the middle of the Goryo period, the Seokgasan made by piling rocks which were started from replicating miniature landscape has been developed into presenting the symbol and Seokgasan so it faced the new transition period of traditional rock garden culture. Seokgasan so it as small knoll, the Korean traditional Seokgasan was made differently the the surrounding landscape with big Seokgasan in China which overwhelms so it harmonize the surrounding landscape to build Korean style of the Seokgasan. This study is the objective investigation based on the old literature and the field remains, so it aims to so it comprehend the type of Seokgasan and developmental forms. At the result of investigation, 5 types of Seokgasan such as rocks piling on a pond, piling rocks, rocks in a pond, rocks on a ground, rock in a pot etc. has been developing in addition to the rocks which the oddly shaped rock is piled up as the basic framework. Among those, the piling rocks on a pond of Seokgasan which means water flows in Seokgasan is the representative Seokgasan which has been continued since the middle of the Goryo period until the end of the Joseon period. This study is expected to be the foundation which will succeed to legacy of Seokgasan tradition which was cut off and to develop by recovering historical landscaping value and identity of Seokgasan.
Artificial Mountain; Piling Rock(疊石); Pond; Pot;
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  • Reference
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