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Parent's Role in Rearing Gifted Children: Case of Mothers of Gifted Children in Korea Science Gifted Academy  

Shim, Eun-Young (Department of Earth Science Education, College of Education, Seoul National University)
Kim, So-Mee (Department of Earth Science Education, College of Education, Seoul National University)
Choe, Seung-Urn (Department of Earth Science Education, College of Education, Seoul National University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean earth science society / v.30, no.4, 2009 , pp. 495-512 More about this Journal
We arranged and classified rearing patterns of gifted children's parents in order to find out mothers' roles for their gifted children. We developed a frame of parents' role to analyze the rearing cases of nine mothers whose children currently attend the Korea Science Gifted Academy. We surveyed and conducted semi-structured interviews with nine mothers to collecting qualitative data and were able to find out their roles that were classified into 4 distinctive roles: Instructor, Supporter, Dialogist and Moral Discipliner. Findings indicated that there was no significant difference between the roles found from parents' interview and the ones found from literature review. However, it is noticed that Korean mothers not only played a role for connecting their children's human networks but also did the role for controling the natural process of learning Korean characters and words with siblings as well as parents before school age.
Education of the gifted; Role frame; Instructor; Supporter; Dialogist; Moral-discipliner;
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