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The S-wave Velocity Structure of Shallow Subsurface Obtained by Continuous Wavelet Transform of Short Period Rayleigh Waves  

Jung, Hee-Ok (Department of Ocean System Engineering, Kunsan National University)
Lee, Bo-Ra (Department of Ocean System Engineering, Kunsan National University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean earth science society / v.28, no.7, 2007 , pp. 903-913 More about this Journal
In this study, the researchers compared the S-wave velocity structures obtained by two kinds of dispersion curves: phase and group dispersions from a tidal flat located in the SW coast of the Korean peninsula. The ${\tau}-p$ stacking method was used for the phase velocity and two different methods (multiple filtering technique: MFT and continuous wavelet transform: CWT) for the phase velocity. It was difficult to separate higher modes from the fundamental mode phase velocities using the ${\tau}-p$ method, whereas the separation of different modes of group velocity were easily achieved by both MFT and CWT. Of the two methods, CWT was found to be more efficient than MFT. The spatial resolutions for the inversion results of the fundamental mode for both phase and group velocities were good for only a very shallow depth of ${\sim}1.5m$. On the other hand, the spatial resolutions were good up to ${\sim}4m$ when both the fundamental and the 1st higher mode poop velocities obtained by CWT were used for S-wave inversion. This implies that the 1st higher mode Rayleigh waves contain more information on the S-wave velocity in deeper subsurface. The researchers applied the CWT method to obtain the fundamental and the 1st higher mode poop velocities of the S-wave velocity structure of a tidal flat located in SW coast of the Korean peninsula. Thea the S-wave velocity structures were compared with the borehole description of the study area.
Rayleigh waves; group velocity; phase velocity; dispersion; shear wave velocity;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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