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An Analysis of 7th Middle School Science Curriculum by Klopfer’s Taxonomy of Education Objectives -Focusing on 7th grade-  

Kim Sang-Dal (Department of Earth Science, Busan National University)
Lee Yong-Seob (Department of Earth Science, Busan National University)
Choi Sung-Bong (Department of Earth Science, Busan National University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean earth science society / v.26, no.7, 2005 , pp. 640-651 More about this Journal
This study was to analyze the subject objectives of Middle school 7th grade Science textbooks based on the Korean 7th curriculum by using Klopfer’s taxonomic system and find out how much compatible they were with the requiring objectives of the curriculum. Particularly, this study makes educational objectives for textbooks coherent wit the requiring objectives of the curriculum, through the analysing the problems. The results are follows. The Middle school science educational objective of the 7th curriculum sets up almost of the objectives through all of the domains of the Klopfer’s taxonomy system, except the operational function (Category G.0), and emphasizes on emotionable domain (Category $H.0\~I.0$) more. However, comparing with an encouragement objective rate of NSTA, Middle school Science textbooks based on the 7th curriculum were published putting more importance in a cognitive domain, and the intention objective (Category I.0) was not mentioned.
Klopfer; Education Objective; 7th Middle School Science Curriculum;
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  • Reference
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