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Effects of Chitosan on Growth Responses of Creeping Bentgrass (Agrotis palustris H.)  

Yoon, Ok-Soon (Dept. of Environmental Science, Keimyung University)
Kim, Soo-Bong (Dept. of Environmental Science, Keimyung University)
Kim, Kwang-Sik (Dept. of Well Being Horticulture & Maintenance of Golf Course, Keimyung College)
Lee, Joon-Soo (Dept. of Well Being Horticulture & Maintenance of Golf Course, Keimyung College)
Publication Information
Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science / v.20, no.2, 2006 , pp. 167-174 More about this Journal
This study was initiated to investigate the effect of chitosan on creeping bentgrass growth. Chitosan was applied several times in dilution of 300, 500 and 800 times at ten-day intervals after transplanting. Such growth characteristics as leaf length, root length, numbers of leaves, fresh weight and dry weight and chlorophyll content were observed. Treatment of 500 times diluted chitosan resulted in the longest root length, being 31.5cm while the control the shortest root of 25.1cm. Leaf numbers were 27.9 and 45.5, respectively for the control and the 300 times treatment. The highest chlorophyll content was associated with treatment of 300 times diluted chitosan and the lowest one with the control, resulting in 11.9 and $18.4mg/100cm^2$, respectively. We found that leaf number, chlorophyll content, fresh and dry weight were higher in the treatment of 500 times than the other treatments.
chitosan; chlorophyll content; creeping bentgrass; leaf length; root length;
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