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A Study on the Reinforcement of the Combat Support System by the Platform Standardization of Military Vehicles  

Kim, Myungsup (The First Logistics Support Division of Army)
Kim, Kitak (The First Logistics Support Division of Army)
Jung, Dohyun (Extreme Technology R&D Center, Korea Automotive Technology Institute)
Publication Information
Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers / v.23, no.3, 2015 , pp. 247-253 More about this Journal
Platform standardization is widely used in commercial auto industries and other industries to acquire cost reduction as well as high reliability. This paper reviews some application examples and estimates expected effect of Korean army's platform standardization for combat system and combat support system. Also, military platform standardization based on utilization of commercial vehicles has been studied with the standard vehicles used in Korean army. It is estimated that outstanding results may be achieved if a dual platform, the public and military platforms, is utilized. So, when the strategy of the military transportation system is decided, "dual use" concept is necessary and this could maximize the effect of the military strategy reinforcement.
Dual use; Platform standardization; Block style platform;
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  • Reference
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