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Analysis of Teaching Types and Obstacles of Chemistry Teachers through Teacher Educational Programs for Responsive Teaching  

Kim, Jeong Soo (Bupyeong Girls' High School)
Paik, Seoung-Hey (Department of Chemistry Education, Korea National University of Education)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to subdivide responsive teaching types proposed in the previous study in order to observe the change in the responsive teaching types in teacher educational programs, and to identify factors that impede changes in responsive teaching types. To this end, an educational program including introduction of responsive teaching, case analysis of responsive teaching, individual assignments and group discussions on facilitator type educational scenarios is provided for chemistry teachers who participated in a chemistry education course established in a graduate school of education. Based on previous research, when the teacher's teaching method was analyzed as evaluator, transfer, guide and facilitatore, a type that could not be classified was observed. In this study, responsive teaching types were added by adding two types: explorer and interpreter. In addition, through individual assignments and group discussion data, we could observe the factors that hinder teachers' responsive teaching changes. The obstacles that impede the change to responsive teaching were classified into teacher factors, student factors, and environmental factors. Among the obstacles, teacher factors include a belief in teacher-led instruction, a belief in the role of a teacher as a transfer of knowledge, a belief that the curriculum should be followed, a lack of understanding of the teacher about students, and a lack of the teacher's ability to lead student-led expansion. The student factor was distrust of the student's competence. Also, as an environmental factor, there was an educational environment such as multi-students class. Effective teacher education on responsive teaching can be achieved only when the perception related to these obstacles can be removed.
Responsive teaching; Chemistry teacher; Teacher education; Obstacles to change;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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