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Speciation Analysis of Seleno-Compounds in Hair and Finger Nails  

Ji, Young (Department of Chemistry Education, Korea National University of Education)
Keum, Daeseop (Department of Chemistry Education, Korea National University of Education)
Pak, Yong N. (Department of Chemistry Education, Korea National University of Education)
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Selenium species in hair and nails were extracted, separated and analyzed with HPLC-ICP/MS. The result showed that Se species was mostly SeCys and the information related to the change of selenium concentration in a body could be obtained. The Se fortification study was performed for 5 participants during 12 months. The average of Se concentration was 858.6 ± 201.2 ng g-1, which did not change much during the research period nor the difference between the individuals was striking. In the case of hair, the average concentration was 205.3 ng g-1 which was lower than nails. Se supplement of 22 ㎍ day-1 was taken for 3 months by the volunteers and the difference between before and after (3 months period for each) the taking of supplement was not striking. However, when the dose was increased to 300 ㎍ day-1 for 2 months, the concentration was increased noticeably to 1,230 ng g-1. It can be thought that the analysis of finger nail for Se can provide valuable information for the long period (several months) of exposure or intake of Se for a human body.
Selenium speciation; Selenium-fortified Spirulina; Isotope dilution; HPLC-ICP/MS;
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