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The Use of Phenanthraquinone Monophenyl Thiosemicarbazone for Preconcentration, Ion Flotation and Spectrometric Determination of Zinc(II) in Human Biofluids and Pharmaceutical Samples  

Akl, Magda Ali (Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University)
Publication Information
A rapid flotation methodology for zinc(II) separation and enrichment from human biofluids is established. At pH 6.0 and ambient temperature, using oleic acid (HOL) as a foaming reagent, zinc(II) was separated with phenanthraquinone monophenyl thiosemicarbazone (PPT) as a new flotation collector for Zn(II). The floated red colored 1 : 2 Zn(II)-PPT complex was measured spectrophotometrically at 526 nm with a molar absorptivity of $1.83 \;{\times}\; 10^5\; L$ mol $L ^{-1}\;cm ^{-1}$. Beer's law was obeyed over a concentration range 0.05-1.0 mg $L ^{-1}$ in the aqueous as well as in the scum layers. The proposed preconcentration flotation methodology was applied to determine Zn(II) in human biofluids. Application was, also, extended to determine Zn(II) in pharmaceutical samples and natural water samples spiked with known amounts of Zn(II) with a preconcentration factor of 100 and a detection limit of 10 ng m$L ^{-1}$. The method was verified by comparison of the spectrophotometric results with flame atomic absorption spectrometric (AAS) measurements. Moreover a postulation for the mechanism of flotation is proposed.
Ion flotation; Preconcentration; Zn(II); Biofluids; Drugs;
Citations & Related Records

Times Cited By Web Of Science : 2  (Related Records In Web of Science)
Times Cited By SCOPUS : 3
연도 인용수 순위
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