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The Moderation Effect of Social Support on the Relationship between the Level of Digital Information Usage and Life Satisfaction of People with Disabilities  

Moon, Young-Im (Korea Foundation for Persons with Disabilities)
Lee, Seong-Gyu (Dept, of Social Welfare, University of Seoul)
Kim, Ji-Hye (Korea Foundation for Persons with Disabilities)
Publication Information
Informatization Policy / v.28, no.4, 2021 , pp. 36-53 More about this Journal
Recently, Korean society has emphasized the level of digital information usage in each individual's life due to the advent of the intelligent information society and the great digital transformation. The purpose of this study is to examine how the level of digital information usage of people with disabilities affects their satisfaction with life and whether social support moderates the relationship between the level of digital information usage and life satisfaction. This study analyzed the data of 2,200 people with disabilities taken from the 2020 Survey on the Digital Divide conducted by the National Information Society Agency. The results of the analysis suggest that people with disabilities have a higher degree of satisfaction when they are employed and have a higher than average monthly income and higher levels of digital information usage and social support. In addition, the results show that social support played a negative moderator role between the level of digital information usage and life satisfaction. This shows that life satisfaction can increase when the disabled frequently use digital devices and technologies in their daily lives without relying on social support, and suggested the need for intervention in policies and practice sites.
people with disabilities; level of digital information usage; life satisfaction; social support; digital divide;
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