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Random Noise Addition for Detecting Adversarially Generated Image Dataset  

Hwang, Jeonghwan (School of Cybersecurity, Korea University)
Yoon, Ji Won (School of Cybersecurity, Korea University)
Publication Information
The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology / v.12, no.6, 2019 , pp. 629-635 More about this Journal
In Deep Learning models derivative is implemented by error back-propagation which enables the model to learn the error and update parameters. It can find the global (or local) optimal points of parameters even in the complex models taking advantage of a huge improvement in computing power. However, deliberately generated data points can 'fool' models and degrade the performance such as prediction accuracy. Not only these adversarial examples reduce the performance but also these examples are not easily detectable with human's eyes. In this work, we propose the method to detect adversarial datasets with random noise addition. We exploit the fact that when random noise is added, prediction accuracy of non-adversarial dataset remains almost unchanged, but that of adversarial dataset changes. We set attack methods (FGSM, Saliency Map) and noise level (0-19 with max pixel value 255) as independent variables and difference of prediction accuracy when noise was added as dependent variable in a simulation experiment. We have succeeded in extracting the threshold that separates non-adversarial and adversarial dataset. We detected the adversarial dataset using this threshold.
Adversarial examples; Adversarial attack detection; Convolutional neural network; Deep learning; Random noise addition;
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