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Construction of Korean Wordnet "KorLex 1.5"  

Yoon, Ae-Sun (부산대학교 불어불문학과/인지과학협동과정)
Hwang, Soon-Hee (부산대학교 인문학연구소)
Lee, Eun-Ryoung (부산대학교 인문학연구소 HK연구)
Kwon, Hyuk-Chul (부산대학교 정보컴퓨터공학부)
The Princeton WordNet (PWN), which was developed during last 20 years since the mid 80, aimed at representing a mental lexicon inside the human mind. Its potentiality, applicability and portability were more appreciated in the fields of NLP and KE than in cognitive psychology. The semantic and knowledge processing is indispensable in order to obtain useful information using human languages, in the CMC and HCI environment. The PWN is able to provide such NLP-based systems with 'concrete' semantic units and their network. Referenced to the PWN, about 50 wordnets of different languages were developed during last 10 years and they enable a variety of multilingual processing applications. This paper aims at describing PWN-referenced Korean Wordnet, KorLex 1.5, which was developed from 2004 to 2007, and which contains currently about 130,000 synsets and 150,000 word senses for nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and classifiers.
WordNet; Lexical Semantic Network; Korean Language Processing; Multilingual Processing; Knowledge Engineering; Ontology;
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