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An Object-oriented Framework SOAF utilizing MXL-SOAP for Platform-Independent Component-Based Development  

장진영 ((주)현세시스템)
최용선 (인제대학교 시스템경영공학과)
Recently, large-scale enterprise information systems are commonly based on the multi-tiered middleware or frameworks to support such requirements as functional reuse, heterogeneous system resources, and multiple platforms. However, these multi-tiered or distributed multi-platform architecture incurs the interoperability issue of the components and metadata among the middleware. This paper introduces the Simple Object Application Framework (SOAF) which supports heterogeneous resources and platform-independent component-based development, with the abstract programming style of the object-oriented frameworks and the XML-SOAP based component persistence mechanism.
Object-Oriented Design (OOD); Framework; Pattern; XML; SOAP; Component-Based Development (CBD); Adaptive Object Models;
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