1 |
Baeza-Yates, R.;B. Ribeiro-Neto
] /
Modern Information Retrieval
2 |
Zipf, H. P.
] /
Behaviour and the Principle of Least Effort
3 |
Length-frequency statistics for written English
Miller, G. A.;E. B. Newman;E. A. Friedman
] /
Infroamtion and Control
4 |
The Automatic Creation of Literature Abstracts
] /
IBM Jouranl of Research and Development
5 |
Tests of a statistical explanation of the reank-frequency relation for words in written English
Miller, G. A.;E. B. Newman
] /
American Journal of Psychology
6 |
] /
한국어 형태소 분석과 정보 검색