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동시다채널 세포외기록법을 이용한 뇌-컴퓨터 접속기술  

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1 Interpreting neuronal population activity by reconstruction: unified framework with application to hippocampal place cells /
[ Zhang K.;Ginzburg I.;McNaughton BL;Sejnowski TJ ] / J. Neurophysiology
2 /
[ 대한신경정신의학회(편) ] / 신경정신과학
3 The functional significance of the pattern of innervation of the muscle quadratus labii superioris of the rabbit, cat and rat /
[ Bowden, R.E.M.;Mahran, Z.Y. ] / J. Anat.
4 Learning to control a brain-machine interface for reaching and grasping by primates /
[ Carmena J.M.;Lebedav, M.A.;Crist, R.E.;O'Doherty,J.E.;Santucci, D.M.;Dimitrov, D.F.;Patil, P.G.;Henriquez C.S.;Nicolelis M.A.L. ] / PLos Biology
5 Distribution of somatic sensory and active-movement neuronal discharge properties in the MI-SI cortical border area in the rat /
[ Chapin, J.K.;Woodward, D.J. ] / Experimental Neurology
6 Somatosensory cortical neuronal population activity across states of anaesthesia /
[ Erchova, I.A.;Lebedev, M.A.;Diamond, M.E. ] / Eur. J. Neurosci.
7 Graphical methods in statistics /
[ Feinberg, S. ] / American Statistician
8 Central versus peripheral determinants of patterned spike activity in rat vibrissa cortex during whisking /
[ Fee, M.S.;Mitra, P.P.;Kleinfeld, D. ] / J. Neurophysiol.
9 Transient storage of a tactile memory trace in primary somatosensory cortex /
[ Harris, J.A.;Miniussi, C.;Harris, I.M.;Diamond, M.E. ] / J. Neurosci.
10 Cortical reorganization induced by task-oriented training in chronic hemiplegic stroke patients /
[ Jang, S.H.;Kim, Y.H.;Cho, S.H.;Lee, J.H.;Park, J.W.;Kwon, Y.H. ] / Neuroreport
11 Spatio-temporal subthreshold receptive fields in the vibrissa representation of rat primary somatosensory cortex /
[ Moore, C.I.;Nelson, S.B. ] / J. Neurophysiol.
12 Sensory-evoked high-frequency (r-band) oscillating potentials in somatosensory cortex of the unanesthetized rat /
[ Jones, M.S.;Barth, D.S. ] / Brain Research
13 Oscillatory activity in sensorimotor cortex of awake monkeys: synchronization of local field potentials and relation to behavior /
[ Murthy, V.N.;Fetz, E.E. ] / J. Neurophysiol.
14 Extracellular Recording and Analysis of Neuronal Activity: From Single Cells to Ensembles /
[ Nadasdy Z.;Csicsvari J.;Penttonen M.;Hetke J.;Wise K.;Buzsaki, G. ] / Neuronal Ensembles: strategies for recording and decoding
15 Realtime control of a robot arm using simulataneously recorded neurons in the motor cortex /
[ Chapin, J.K.;Moxon, K.A.;Markowitz, R.S.;Nicolelis, M.A.L. ] / Nature Neurosci.
16 Reconstructing the engram: simultaneous, multisite, many single neuron recordings /
[ Nicolelis, M.A.;Ghazanfar, A.A.;Faggin, B.M.;Votaw, S.;Oliveira, L.M. ] / Neuron
17 Neural prosthetic devices for quadriplegia /
[ Chapin, J.K. ] / Current Opinions in Neurology
18 Mapping the body representation in the SI cortex of anesthetized and awake rats /
[ Chapin, J.K.;Lin, C.S. ] / J. Comp. Neurol
19 Anatomical loops and their electrical dynamics in relation to whisking by rat /
[ Kleinfeld, d.;Berg, R.W.;O'Connor, S.M. ] / Somatosens. Mot. Res.
20 Reversible changes of presumable synaptic connections between primary somatosensory cortex and ventral posterior lateral thalamus of rats during temporary deafferentation /
[ Jung, S.C.;Shin, H.C. ] / Neurosci. Lett.
21 Treatment-induced cortical reorganization after stroke in humans /
[ Liepert, J.;Bauder,H.;Wolfgang, H.R.;Miltner, W.H.;Taub, E.;Weiller, C. ] / Stroke
22 Spatial filter selection for EEG-based communication /
[ McFarland, D.J.;McCane, L.M.;David, S.V.;Wolpaw, J.R. ] / Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology
23 Reach Plans in Eye-Centered Coordinates /
[ Batista,A.P.;Buneo, C.A.;Snyder, L.H.;Anderseon,R.A. ] / Science
24 Physiologic and anatomical organization of multiwhisker response interactions in the barrel vortex of tats /
[ Shimegi, S.;Akasaki, T.;Ichikawa, T.;Sato, H. ] / J. Neurosci.
25 /
[ Nicolelis, M.A. ] / Methods for neural ensemble recordings
26 Spatial-temporal distribution of whisker-evoked activity in rat somatosensory cortex and the coding of stimulus location /
[ Petersen, R.S.;Diamond, M.E. ] / J. Neurosci.
27 Nprimary sensosrimotor cortex activation after stroke: evidence of local adaptive reorganization? /
[ Pineiro, R.;Pendlebury, S.;Johansen-Berg ] / Stroke
28 Different brain areas activated during imagery of painful and non-painful 'finger movements' in a subject with an amputated arm /
[ Rosen, G.;Hugdahl, K.; Ersland, L.;Lundervold, A.;Smievoll, A.I.;Barndon, R.;Sundberg, H.;Thomsen, T.;Roscher, B.E.;Tjolsen, A.( ] / Neurocase
29 Instant neural control of a movement signal /
[ Serruya,M.D.;Hatsopoulos, N.G.;Paninski, L.;Fellows, M.R.;Donoghue, J.P. ] / Nature
30 Movement induced modulation of afferent transmission to single neurons in the ventroposterior thalamus and somatosensory cortex in rat /
[ Shin, H.C.;Chapin, J.K. ] / Exp. Brain Res.
31 Neural decoding of cursor motion using a Kalman filter /
[ Wu, W.;Black, M. J.;Gao, Y.;Bienenstock,E.;Serruya, M.;Shaikhouni, A.;Ddonoghue, J.P. ] / Nerual Infromation Processing Systems
32 Visuo-tactile cross-modal associations in cortical somatosensory cells /
[ Zhou, Y.D.;Fuster, J.M. ] / Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.
33 Intrinsic firing patterns and whisker-evokde synaptic responses of neurosci in the rat barrel cortex /
[ Zhu, J.J.;Connors, B.W. ] / J. Neurophysiol.
34 Primary motor and sensory cortex activation during motor performance and motor imagery: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study /
[ Porro, C.A.;Francescato, M.P.;Cettolo, V.;Diamond,M.E.;Baraldi, P.;Zuiani, C.;Bazzocchi, M.;di Prampero, P.E. ] / J. Neuroscience
35 Texture discrimination and unit recordings in the rat whisker/barrel system /
[ Prigg, T.;Goldreich, D.;Carvell, G.E.;Simons, D.J. ] / Physiol. Behav.
36 Touch and go: decision-making mechanisms in somatosensation /
[ Romo, R.;Salinas, E. ] / Annu Rev Neurosci.
37 Flutter discrimination: neural codes, perception, memory and decision making /
[ Romo, R.;Salinas, E. ] / Nat Rev Neurosci
38 Change in motor plan, without a change in the spatial locus of attention, modulates activity in posterior parietal cortex /
[ Snyder, L.H.;Batista, A.P.;Andersen, R. A. ] / J. Neurophysiol.
39 Differential phasic modulation of short and long letency afferent sensory transmission to single neurons in the primary somatosensory cortex in behaving rats /
[ Shin, H.C.;Park, H.J.;Chapin, J.K. ] / Neurosci. Res.
40 Coding of intention in the posterior parietal cortex /
[ Snyder, L.H.;Batista, A.P.;Andersen, R.A. ] / Nature
41 Intention-related activity in the posterior parietal cortex: a review /
[ Snyder, L.H.;Batista, A.P.;Andersen, R.A. ] / Vision Res.
42 An EEG-based brin-computer interface for cursor control /
[ Wolpaw, J.R.;McFarland, D.J.;Neat, G.W.;Forneris, C.A. ] / Electroence. Clin. Neurophysiol.
43 Real-time prediction of hand trajectory by ensembles of cortical neurons in primates /
[ Wessberg, J.;Stambaugh, C. R.;Kralik, J.D.;Beck, P.D.;Laubach, M.;Chapin, J.K.;Kim, J.;Biggs, S.J.;Srinivasan, M.A.;Nicolelis, M.A. ] / Nature
44 An EEG-based brain-computer interface for cursor control /
[ Wolpaw JR;McFarland DJ;Neat GW;Forneris CA ] / Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology