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디지털 액터 창조를 위한 연구 주제 몇 가지  

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Citations & Related Records
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  • Reference
1 Adapting simulated behavior for new characters /
[ J. K Hodgins;N. S. Pollard ] / Proceedings of ACM SIGGJIAPH 97, Computer Graphics Proceedings
2 Retagetting motion to new characters /
[ M. Gleicher ] / Proceedings of ACM SJGGRAPH 98, Computer Graphics Proceedings
3 Deep shadow maps /
[ Tom Lokovic;Eric Veach ] / Computer Graphics (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 2000)
4 A high performance solver for the animation of deformable objects using advanced numerical methods /
[ M. Hauth;O.Etzmufl;A. Chalmers(esitor);T. -M. Rhyne(esitor) ] / Proc. Eurographics 2001, of Computer Graphics Forum
5 Rendering hair using pixel blending and shadow buffers /
[ Andre M. LeBlanc;Russell Turner;Daniel Thalmann ] / The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation
6 /
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[] / Sony Picture
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[] / Titanic
9 Reanimating the dead:Reconstruction of expressive faces from skull data /
[ Koija Khler;Jrg Haber;Hans-Peter Seidel ] / Transactions on Graphics(Siggraph 2003)
10 Face animation based on observed 3D speech dynamics /
[ Gregor A. Kalberer;Luc Van Cool ] / Proceedings of Computer Animation 2001 Conference
11 /
[] /
12 A simple method for extracting the natural beauty of hair /
[ Ken-Ichi Anjyo;Yoshiaki Usami;Tsuneya Kurihara ] / Computer Graphics(SIGGRAPH '92 Proceedings)
13 Bilayered approach for efficient animation of cloth with realistic wrinkles /
[ Young-Mm Kang;Hwan-Gue Cho ] / Computer Animation 2002
14 Articulated body deformation from range scan data /
[ B. Allen;B. Curless;Z. Popovi ] / ACM Transactions on Graphics(Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 2002)
15 Rendering fur with three dimensional textures /
[ James T. Kajiya;Timothy L. Kay ] / Computer Graphics(SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings)
16 Natural hairstyle modeling and animation /
[ Doo-Won Lee;Hyeong-Seok Ko ] / Human Modeling and Animation
17 Large Steps in cloth simulation /
[ David Baraff;Andrew Witkin ] / Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 98, Computer Graphics Proceeding, Annual Conference Series
18 Video rewrite:Driving visual speech with audio /
[ Christoph Bregler;Michele Covell;Malcohm Slaney ] / SIGGRAPH 97 Conference Proceedings, Annual Conference Series
19 A morphable model for the synthesis of 3D faces /
[ Volker Blanz;Thomas Vetter;Alyn Rockwood(editor) ] / Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 99, Computer Graophics proceedings , Annual Conference Series
20 A coordinate-invariant approach to multiresolution motion analysis /
[ J. Lee;S. Y. Shin ] / Graphical Models
21 Eyes alive /
[ Sooha Park Lee;Jeremy B. Badler;Norman I. Badier ] / ACM Transactions on Graphics(Siggraph 2002)
22 Creating and retargeting motion by the musculoskeletal human body model /
[ T. Komura;Y. Shinagawa;T. L. Kunn ] / The Visual Computer
23 Realistic modeling for facial animation /
[ Yuencheng Lee;Demetri Terzopoulos;Keith Waters ] / Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 95, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series
24 /
[ Matthew Brand;Voice puppetry;Alyn Rockwood(editor) ] / Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 99, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series
25 Robust treatment of collisions, contact, and friction for cloth animation /
[ Robert Brison;Ronald P. Fedkiw;John Anderson ] / SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Proceedings, Annual Conference Series
26 A hierarchical approach to interactive motion editing for human-like figures /
[ J. Lee;S. Y. Shin ] / Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 99, Computer Graphics Proceedings
27 Synthesis of complex dynamic character motion from simple animations /
[ C. K Liu;Z. Popovic ] / ACM Transactions on Graphics
28 Motion signal processing /
[ A. Bruderlin;L. Williams ] / Computer Graphics(SIGGRAPH 95 Proceedings)
29 Free-form deformations with lattices of arbitrary /
[ R. MacCracken;K. I. Joy ] / Computer Graphics (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH'96)
30 Pose space deformations:A unified approach to shape interpolation and skeleton-driven deformation /
[ J. P. Lewis;M. Cordner;N. Fong ] / Computer Graphics (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 2000)
31 A practical model for hair mutual interactions /
[ Johnny T;Chang, Jingyi Jin;Yizhou Yu ] / ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation
32 Analysis and synthesis of facial expression based on hand-generated muscle actuation basis /
[ Byoungwon Choe;Hyeong-Seik Ko ] / Proceedings of Computer Animation 2001 Conference
33 On-line motion retargetting /
[ K. Choi;H. Ko ] / Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation
34 Stable but responsive cloth /
[ Kwang-Jin Choi;Hyeong-Seok Ko ] / SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Proceedings, Annual Conference Series
35 Interactive skeleton-driven dynamic deformations /
[ S. Capell;S. Green;B.Curless;T. Duchamp;Z. Popovi ] / ACM Transations on Graphics(Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 2002)
36 Interactive spacetime constraint for animation /
[ M. F. Cohen ] / Computer Graphics (Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 92)26,2
37 A unified approach to shape interpolation and skeleton-driven deformation /
[ J. P. Lewis;Matt Cordner;Nickson Fong ] / Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2000
38 Interactive animation of cloth-like objects in virtual reality /
[ Mark Meyer;Gilles Debunne;Mathieu Desbrun;Alan H.Barr ] / The Journal of Visualization and computer Animation
39 Hierarchical spacetime control /
[ Z. Liu;S. J. Gortler;M. F. Cohen ] / Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 94, Computer Graphics Proceedings
40 Motion warping /
[ A. Witkin;Z.Popovic ] / Computer Graphics(SIGGRAPH 95 Proceedings)
41 Implementing fast cloth simulation with collision response /
[ P. Volino;N. Magnenat-Thalmann ] / Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Graphics International (CGT-00)
42 Force-based motion editing for locomotion tasks /
[ N. S. Pollard;F. Bebmaram-Mosavat ] / Proceedings of the IEEE ICRA
43 An integrated system for modeling, animating and rendering hair /
[ Agnes Daldegan;Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann;Tsuneya Kurihara;Daniel Thalmann ] / Eurographics '93
44 Acquiring the reflectance field of a human face /
[ Paul Debevec;Tim Hawkins;Chris Tchou;Haarm-Pieter Duiker;Westley Sarokin;Mark Sagar;Kurt Akeley(editor) ] / Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2000, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series
45 Modeling, tracking and interactive animation of faces and heads using input from video /
[ Irfan Essa;Sumit Basu;Trevor Darrell;Alex Pentland ] / Proceedings of Computer Animation '96 Conference
46 Modeling and rendering for realistic facial animation /
[ Stephen Marscbner;Brian Guenter;Sashi Raghupathy ] / Rendering Techniques 2000: 11th Eurographics workshop on Rendering
47 /
[ Frederic I. Parke;Keith Waters ] / Computer facial animantion
48 Light scattering from human hair ibers /
[ Stephen R;Marschner;Henrik Wann Jensen;Mike Canirnarano;Steve Worley;Pat Hanrahan ] / ACM Transactions on Graphics (Siggraph 2003)
49 Interactive multiresolution hair modeling and editing /
[ Tae-Yong Kim;Ulrich Neumann ] / SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Proceedings, Annual Conference Series
50 Coding, analysis, interpretation and recognition of facial expressions /
[ Irfan A. Essa;Alex P. Pentland ] / IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
51 Implicit-explicit schemes for fast animation with particle systems /
[ Olaf Etzmuss;Bernhard Eberhardt;Michael Hauth ] / Computer Animation and Simulation '00 Eurographics;Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Interlaken
52 Improved Collision Detection and Response Techniques for Cloth Animation /
[ Johannes Mezger;Stefan Kimrnerle;Olaf Etzrnufi ] / Technical Report WSI-2002-5, Universitat Thingen
53 Expression cloning /
[ Jun-Yong Noh;Ulrich Neumann ] / Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2001
54 Computer generated animation of faces /
[ Frederic I. Parke ] / ACM National Conference
55 Fourier principles for emotion-based human figure animation /
[ M. Unuma;K Anjyo;R. Takeuchi ] / Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH 95 Proceedings)
56 Comparing efficiency of integration methods for cloth animation /
[ P. Volino;N. Magnenat-Thalmann ] / Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Graphics Intemational(CGJ-01)
57 Hypertexture /
[ Ken Perlin;Eric M. Hoffert ] / Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH 89 Proceedings)
58 A method to generate wet and broken-up animal fur /
[ Armin Bruderlin ] / Pacific Graphics '99
59 Trainable videorealistic speech animation /
[ Tony Ezzat;Gadi Geiger;Tomaso Poggio ] / ACM Transactions on Graphics(Siggraph 2002)
60 Synthesizing realistic facial expressions from photographs /
[ Frdric Pighin;Jamie Hecker;Dani Lischinski;Richard Szeliski;David H. Salesin ] / SIGGRAPH 98 Conference Proceedings, Annual Conference Series
61 Physically based motion transformation /
[ Z. Popovic;A Witkin ] / Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 99, Computer Graphics Proceedings
62 Collision and self-collision handling in cloth model dedicated to design garments /
[ Xavier Provot ] / Graphics Interface '97
63 Dynamic free-form deformations for animation synthesis /
[ P. Faloutsos;M. Van De Panne;D. Terzopoulos ] / IEEE Transactions on Visulaization and Computer Graphics
64 /
[ Clarence H. Robbins ] / Chemical and Physical Behavior of Human Hair
65 Efficient generation of motion transitions using spacetime constraints /
[ C. Rose;B. Guenter;B. Bodenheimer;M. F. Cohen ] / Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 96, Computer Graphics Proceedings
66 Free-form deformation of solid geometric models /
[ T. W. Sederberg;S. R Parry ] / Computer Graphics
67 Computer puppetry:An importance-based approach /
[ H. J. Shin;J. Lee;S. Y. Shin;M. Gleicher ] / ACM Transactions on Graphics
68 Motion balance filtering /
[ S.Tak;O. Song;H. Ko ] / Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2000)
69 Elastically deforinable models /
[ D. Terzopoulos;J. Plait;A Barr;K Fleischer ] / Computer Graphics
70 Spacetime sweeping:An interactive dynamic constraints solver /
[ S.Tak;O. Song;H. Ko ] / Proceedings of Computer Animation 2002
71 Modeling inelastic deformation:Viscoelasticity, plasticity, fracture /
[ D. Terzopoulos;K. Fleischer ] / Computer Graphics. (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '88)
72 Physicallybased facial modelling, analysis, and animation /
[ Demetri Terzopoulos;Keith Waters ] / The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation
73 Analysis and synthesis of facial image sequences using physical and anatomical models /
[ Demetri Terzopoulos;Keith Waters. ] / IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
74 A trigonal prism-based method for hair image generation /
[ Yasuhiko Watanabe;Yasuhito Suenaga ] / IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications
75 A muscle model for animating threedimensional facial expression /
[ Keith Waters ] / Computer Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 87)
76 Performance-driven facial animation /
[ Lance Williams ] / Computer Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 90)
77 Spacetirne constraints /
[ A.Witkin;M. Kass ] / Computer Graphics (Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 88)
78 /
[ Zhan Xu;Xue Dong Yang ] / V-hairstudio:an inte.ractve tool for hair design
79 Dynamics filter:Concept and implementation of online motion generator for human figures /
[ K. Yamane;Y. Nakamura ] / Proceedings of the IEEE ICRA
80 Motion capture-driven simulations that hit and react /
[ V. B. Zordan;J. K Hodgins ] / 2002 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation
81 Accurate collision response on polygonal meshes /
[ Pascal Volino;Nadia Magnenat Thalmann ] / Computer Animation
82 A trigonal prismbased method for hair image generation /
[ Yasuhiko Watanabe;Y. Suenaga ] / IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
83 Composable controllers for physics-based character animation /
[ P. Faloutsos;M. van de Panne;D. Terzopoulos ] / Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001, Computer Graphics Proceedings
84 Motion editing with spacetime constraints /
[ M. Gleicher ] / Proceedings of the 1997 Symposum on Interactive 3D Graphics
85 Collision and self-collision detection:Efficient and robust solutions for highly deformable surfaces /
[ Pascal Volino;Nadia Magnenat Thalmann ] / Computer Animation and Simulation '95, Eurographics
86 Fake fur rendering /
[ Dan B. Goldman ] / Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '97 Proceedings)
87 Making faces /
[ Brian Guenter;Cindy Grimm;Daniel Wood;Henricjue Malvar;Frdric Phghin ] / SICGRAPH 98 Conference Proceedings
88 /
[ Domal H. House;David E. Breen ] / Cloth Modeling and Animation
89 Collision resolutions in cloth simulation /
[ Suejung Fuh;Dimitiis Metaxas;Norman Badler ] / Computer Animation 2001
90 ArtDefo-accurate real time deformable objects /
[ D. L. James;D. K. Pai ] / Computer Graphics (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '99)
91 DyRT:Dynamic response textures for real time deformation simulation with graphics hardware /
[ D. L. James;D. K Pal ] / ACM Transactions on Graphics(Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 2002)
92 A practical model for subsurface light transport /
[ Henrik Wann Jensen;Stephen R Marschner;Marc Levoy;Pat Hanrahan ] / Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series