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Privacy-Preserving Parallel Range Query Processing Algorithm Based on Data Filtering in Cloud Computing  

Kim, Hyeong Jin (전북대학교 컴퓨터공학부)
Chang, Jae-Woo (전북대학교 IT정보공학과)
Publication Information
KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems / v.10, no.9, 2021 , pp. 243-250 More about this Journal
Recently, with the development of cloud computing, interest in database outsourcing is increasing. However, when the database is outsourced, there is a problem in that the information of the data owner is exposed to internal and external attackers. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a parallel range query processing algorithm that supports privacy protection. The proposed algorithm uses the Paillier encryption system to support data protection, query protection, and access pattern protection. To reduce the operation cost of a checking protocol (SRO) for overlapping regions in the existing algorithm, the efficiency of the SRO protocol is improved through a garbled circuit. The proposed parallel range query processing algorithm is largely composed of two steps. It consists of a parallel kd-tree search step that searches the kd-tree in parallel and safely extracts the data of the leaf node including the query, and a parallel data search step through multiple threads for retrieving the data included in the query area. On the other hand, the proposed algorithm provides high query processing performance through parallelization of secure protocols and index search. We show that the performance of the proposed parallel range query processing algorithm increases in proportion to the number of threads and the proposed algorithm shows performance improvement by about 5 times compared with the existing algorithm.
Privacy-preserving; Cloud Computing; Range Query Processing; Paillier Cryptosystem; Parallelism; Garbled Circuit;
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