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Perceptual Ad-Blocker Design For Adversarial Attack  

Kim, Min-jae (Korea University)
Kim, Bo-min (Korea University)
Hur, Junbeom (Korea University)
Perceptual Ad-Blocking is a new advertising blocking technique that detects online advertising by using an artificial intelligence-based advertising image classification model. A recent study has shown that these Perceptual Ad-Blocking models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks using adversarial examples to add noise to images that cause them to be misclassified. In this paper, we prove that existing perceptual Ad-Blocking technique has a weakness for several adversarial example and that Defense-GAN and MagNet who performed well for MNIST dataset and CIFAR-10 dataset are good to advertising dataset. Through this, using Defense-GAN and MagNet techniques, it presents a robust new advertising image classification model for adversarial attacks. According to the results of experiments using various existing adversarial attack techniques, the techniques proposed in this paper were able to secure the accuracy and performance through the robust image classification techniques, and furthermore, they were able to defend a certain level against white-box attacks by attackers who knew the details of defense techniques.
Adversarial example; Perceptual Ad-Blocker; Defense-GAN; MagNet;
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