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SVC and CAS Combining Scheme for Support Multi-Device Watching Environment  

Son, Junggab (Hanyang University)
Oh, Heekuck (Hanyang University)
Kim, SangJin (Korea University of Technology and Education)
CAS used in IPTV or DTV has an environment of sending single type of contents through single streaming. But it can be improved to support users' various video applications through single streaming by combining with SVC. For such an environment, efficiency should be firstly considered, and hierarchical key management methods for billing policy by service levels should be applied. This study aims to look into considerations to apply SVC to CAS and propose SVC encryption in CAS environment. The security of the proposed scheme is based on the safety of CAS and oneway hash function. If the proposed scheme is applied, scalability can be efficiently provided even in the encrypted contents and it is possible to bill users according to picture quality. In addition, the test results show that SVC contents given by streaming service with the average less than 10%overhead can be safely protected against illegal uses.
IPTV; CAS; SVC; streaming service;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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