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A Method of Identifying Ownership of Personal Information exposed in Social Network Service  

Kim, Seok-Hyun (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)
Cho, Jin-Man (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)
Jin, Seung-Hun (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)
Choi, Dae-Seon (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)
This paper proposes a method of identifying ownership of personal information in Social Network Service. In detail, the proposed method automatically decides whether any location information mentioned in twitter indicates the publisher's residence area. Identifying ownership of personal information is necessary part of evaluating risk of opened personal information online. The proposed method uses a set of decision rules that considers 13 features that are lexicographic and syntactic characteristics of the tweet sentences. In an experiment using real twitter data, the proposed method shows better performance (f1-score: 0.876) than the conventional document classification models such as naive bayesian that uses n-gram as a feature set.
Big Data; Pricacy; Personal Information; Social Network Service; Location Information;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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