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Preimage Attacks on Step-Reduced ARIRANG  

Hong, Deuk-Jo (The Attached Institute of ETRI)
Kim, Woo-Hwan (The Attached Institute of ETRI)
Koo, Bon-Wook (The Attached Institute of ETRI)
The hash function ARIRANG is one of the 1st round SHA-3 candidates. In this paper, we present preimage attacks on ARIRANG with step-reduced compression functions. Our attack finds a preimage of the 33-step OFF(Original FeedForward1) variants of ARIRANG, and a preimage of the 31-step MFF(Middle FeedForward1) variants of ARIRANG. Its time complexity is about $2^{241}$ for ARIRANG-256 and $2^{481}$ for ARIRANG-512, respectively.
SHA-3 candidate; ARIRANG; Preimage Attack; Hash Function;
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1 D.H. Chang, S.H. Hong, C.H. Kang, J.K. Kang, J.S. Kim, C.H. Lee, J.S. Lee, J.T. Lee, S.J, Lee, YS. Lee, J.I. Lim, and J.C. Sung, 'ARIRANG: SHA-3 Proposal,' available at I groupsIST/hash/sha-3/Ro undll
2 Y. Sasaki and K. Aoki, 'Preimage Attacks on Step-Reduced MD5,' ACISP 2008, LNCS 5107, pp. 282-296, 2008
3 Y. Sasaki and K. Aoki, 'Preimage Attacks on 3, 4. and 5-Pass HAVAL,' ASIACRYPT 2008, LNCS 5350. pp. 253-271. 2008
4 Y. Sasaki and K. Aoki, 'A Preimage Attack for 52-Step HAS-160,' ICISC 2008, LNCS 5461. pp. 302-317, 2008