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Related-Key Rectangle Attacks on Reduced Rounds of SHACAL-1  

김종성 (고려대학교 정보보호기술연구센터)
김구일 (고려대학교 정보보호기술연구센터)
홍석희 (고려대학교 정보보호기술연구센터)
이상진 (고려대학교 정보보호기술연구센터)
The rectangle attack and the related-key attack on block ciphers are well-known to be very powerful. In this paper we combine the rectangle attack with the related-key attack. Using this combined attack we can attack the SHACAL-1 cipher with 512-bit keys up to 59 out of its 80 rounds. Our 59-round attack requires a data complexity of $2^{149.72}$ chosen plaintexts and a time complexity of $2^{498.30}$ encryptions, which is faster than exhaustive search.
Related-Key Rectangle Attack; SHACAL-1;
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  • Reference
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