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스마트미터 보안 연구  

NamGoong, Wan (고려대학교 정보경영공학전문대학원)
Jo, Hyo-Jin (고려대학교 정보경영공학전문대학원)
Cho, Kwan-Tae (고려대학교 정보경영공학전문대학원)
Lee, Dong-Hoon (고려대학교 정보경영공학전문대학원)
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  • Reference
1 김석곤, "Global Smart Metering 산업수요 및 발전 전망,"
2 도윤미, 김선진, 허태욱, 박노성, 김현학, 홍승기, 서정해, 전종암, "스마트 그리드 기술 동향:전력망과 정보통신의 융합기술," 전자통신동향분석 제24권 제5호 , 2009. 10.
3 이경복, 박태형, 임종인, "정보보호정책 관점에서의 한국형 스마트 그리드 추진 방안에 관한 연구," 정보화정책 제16권 제4호, pp.73-96, 2009.
4 이상준, "차세대 전력 인프라를 위한 보안솔루션," 유넷시스템, 2009. 11.
5 장두석, "스마트그리드 산업의 동향 및 산업화 방안," 산은경제연구소, 2010. 1.
6 전황수, 하영욱, 조병선, "주요 국가의 스마트그리드 정책 동향," 전자통신동향분석 제25권 제3호 2010. 6.
7 KOTRA "주요국 Smart Grid 정책/시장 조사," 자료10-021, 2010. 4.
8 Elias L. Quinn, "Privacy and the New Energy Infrastructure," "," 2009.
9 Frances M. Cleveland, "IEC TC57 Security Sarandards for the Power System's Information Infrastructure, Beyond Simple Encryption," IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition, 2005/2006.
10 Frances M. Cleveland, "Enhanceing the Reliability and Security of the Information Infrastructure Used to Manage the Power System," IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting. 2007.
11 Mohit Arora, "Advanced Metering: ecosystem, security threats and counter measures," in Industrial Control Designline, 2009. 2.
12 G. Lenzini, M. Oostdijk and W. Teeuw, "Trust, Security, and Privacy for the AMI," TAMI PEGASUS/Huisdraad, 2009. 7.
13 Jeff McCullough, "AMI Security Consideration," Elster, ref WP42-1007B, 2010.
14 Layla AlAbdulkarim and Xofia Lukszo, "Information Security Assurance in Critical Infrastructures: Smart Metering Case," INFRA International Conf. pp.1-6, 2008.
15 Raymond C. Park, "Advanced Metering Infrastructure Security Considerations," Sandia report, ref. SAND2007-7327, 2007. 12.
16 Rob van Gerwen, Saskia Jaarsma and Rob Wilhite, "Smart Metering," Hans De Keulenaer, 2006. 7.
17 Ross Anderson and Shailendra Fuloria, "On the security economics of electricity metering," 9th Workshop on the Economics of Information Security, 2010.
18 Sander Keemink, Bart Roos, "Security analysis of Dutch smart metering system," Universiteit Van Amsterdam, 2008. 7.
19 Greentechgrid, "Smart Meter Security: A Work in Progress," 2009. 6.
20 Ofgem, "Smart Metering Implementation Programme: Data Privacy and Security," ref 94e/10, 2010, 7.
21 PikeResearch "Smart Meter Security Investment to Total $575 Millions by 2015, but Meters Remain a Point of Vulnerability in the Smart Grid," Newsroom, 2010. 8.
22 Openmeter, ""
23 Oracle, "Smart Metering for Water Utilitys," 2009. 9.