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Improvement Planting Method and Characteristics of Planting Design with Ornamental Trees in Apartment Complex, Seoul  

이경재 (서울시립대학교 도시과학대학)
한봉호 (서울시립대학교 도시과학대)
이수동 (서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology / v.18, no.2, 2004 , pp. 236-248 More about this Journal
This study was carried out to propose improvement planting method by the research and analysis of planting concept, planting density, planting style and pattern in apartment complex, Seoul. Survey sites were selected by reflecting the change of green area ratio : Hawgok Jugong apartment complex, Gangseo-gu(1974), Samik-green apartment complex, Gangdong-gu(1980), Dongsindaea apartment complex, Gangseo-gu(1992). Green area in apartment complex was classified with front green area, side green area, and back-side green area. Planting concept that composed of landscape planting concept but anyother concept was not, was similar to all sites not differ from creation time. And planted species was not differ from planting style. Planting density was of both conopyㆍunder story layer was 0.0∼0.2 tree/$m^2$, and that of shrub layer was 0.0∼0.5 tree/$m^2$ Shrub layer planting density was insufficient and the density was not changed according to the creation time. Canopyㆍunderstory and shrub was planted to another green space, not concern with multi-layer structure. Planting pattern was utilized to single planting, linear planting, and random triangle planting, but it was not to the change that in each green space planting concept. Green area in apartment complex should be variety according to planting density, planting structure and planting pattern. And we should get the function of covering and beauty in case of front green space, that of ecological environment and increasing green volume in case of back-side green area, that of increasing green volume in case of side green area, apartment complex.
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  • Reference
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