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Reproductive Cycle of the Female Grey Mullet, Mugil cephalus, on the Coast of Jeju Island, Korea  

Kim, Sung-Jun (Marine and Environmental Research Institute, Cheju National University)
Lee, Young-Don (Dept. of Fisheries Marine Life Science, Pukyong National univ.)
Yeo, In-Kyo (Marine and Environmental Research Institute, Cheju National University)
Baek, Hea-Ja (Dept. of Fisheries Marine Life Science, Pukyong National univ.)
Kim, Hyung-Bae (Dept. of Marine Biotechnology, Kangwon Univ.)
Nagae, Masaki (Dept. of Marine Biological Sciences, University of Hokkaido)
Soyano, Kiyoshi (Dept. of Marine Biological Sciences, University of Hokkaido)
Hara, Akihiko (Marine Research Institute, University of Nagasaki)
Publication Information
Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology / v.19, no.1, 2004 , pp. 73-80 More about this Journal
Grey mullet; Group synchronous; Mugil cephalus; Offshore migration; Reproductive cycle;
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  • Reference
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