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Effects of Mowing and Uprooting on the Height and Density of the Invasive Alien Plant Solidago altissima L.  

Gu-Yeon Kim (Department of Science Education, Kyungnam University)
Publication Information
The spread of invasive alien plants is one of the most important causes of habitat and biodiversity loss. This research was conducted to secure basic data for the control of the invasive alien plant Solidago altissima. The following research objects were examined: the control; one-time mowing in June (1M6); two-time mowing in June and July (2M6M7); one-time mowing in Jun plus one-time Uprooting in July (2M6U7). The length growth in October, when the growth of S. altissima was completed, was in the order of control (199±19.96 cm), 1M6 (152±13.41 cm), 2M6U7 (54±3.17 cm), and 2M6M7 (45±19.96 cm). The 2M6M7 and 2M6U7 treatment was the most effective at inhibiting S. altissima of density, of 50.8% and 26.2% compared to the control, respectively. In contrast, one-time mowing (1M6) resulted in an increase in density compared to the control by 119.7%. In addition, this treatment also reduced flowering rate (%) of S. altissima. The most effective treatment among those tested was 2M6U7.
mowing; uprooting; density; invasive alien plant; Solidago altissima;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 9  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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