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Characteristics of Fish Community on Six Lakes Located in Gyeonggi  

Kim, Jai-Ku (Department of Environmental Science, Kangwon National University)
Jang, Young-Su (Department of Biology, Kangwon National University)
Lee, Kwang-Yeol (Department of Biology, Kangwon National University)
Ryu, Hyeung-Rial (Gyeonggi-do Institute of Health and Environment)
Jeong, Ju-Yong (Gyeonggi-do Institute of Health and Environment)
Kim, Bom-Chul (Department of Environmental Science, Kangwon National University)
Choi, Jae-Seok (Department of Biology, Kangwon National University)
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Community structures of fish in six small eutrophied lakes, located in Gyeonggi province, Korea were investigated from September 2003 to August 2004. Total number of fish species was 33 species of 13 families in which five Korean endemic species such as Rhodeus uyekii, Squalidus gracilis majimae, Abbottina springeri, Iksookimia koreensis, and Odontobutis interrupta were found. Dominant species in the lakes was Hemiculter leucisculus. Both Zacco platypus and Pseudorasbora parva were numberous as subdominant species. In particlilar, Micropercops swinhonis known as partly distributed in the Jeonlabukdo was first recorded in Lake Wangsong and Heungbu which are located in the Gyeonggi province. In lake Myukwoo, Wangsong, and Heungbu, the proportion of Pelagic and omnivorous fish were high, reflecting that fish habitat is poor. A CPUE based fish production was the lowest in Lake Geumgwang of which lake is relatively favorable, whereas it was higher in eutriphied lakes suchs as Dukwoo, Myukwoo and Heungbu lakes.
fish community; Micropercops swinhonis; CPUE;
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