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Dynamics of Phytoplankton Community in Lake Juam, Korea  

Lee, Ki-Ho (Department of Environmental Education, Dongshin University)
Baik, Soon-Ki (Department of Environmental Education, Dongshin University)
Kim, Baik-Ho (Department of Life Science, Hanyang University)
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Dynamics of phytoplankton community were monthly examined at two sites in Lake Juam from January to December 2003. One site is located near the Dam, an intake tower, where obtain a drinking water resource, the other site is located in the shallow region, Mundeok-bridge, the upstream or effluent part of lake. During the study, there made little the differences in physicochemical factors between two sites, but numbers of species and standing crops of phytoplankton differ remarkably. Totally, 41% of green algae and 35.8% of diatoms were comprised of total phytoplankton species, while 46.3% of dinoflagellates and 27.6% of cyanobacteria contributed in total standing crops of Phytoplankton community. Cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginora and diatom Fragilaria crotonensis dominated the Dam site during a warm season, while dinoflagellates Peridinium bipes and Asterionella formosa were at the shallow region during a cold season, respectively. According to the CCA analysis, dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand and total phosphate strongly affected the growth of P. bipes with low water temperature. In addition, the increment of total nitrogen and water temperature affected biomass of a cyanobacterium M. aeruginosa. Collectively, it may suggest that the majority of annual primary production of Lake Juam is covered by two dominant species Peridinium bipes in cold season and Microcystis aeruginosa in warm season.
Lake Juam; Microcystis aeruginosa; Peridinium bipes; population dynamic; species succession; CCA analysis;
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