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A Classic Viewpoint on Fish Removal Biomanipulation in Whole-lake Studies  

Chung, Sang-Ok (Harmful Algal Blooming Control Laboratory (HABCL)-NRL, Kongju National University)
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For some decades eutrophication poses a great problem in water quality management in fresh-waters. To solve this problem, studies based on "bottom-up" hypothesis have been mostly carried out worldwidely unlike biomanipulation. This implies that not only fish but also fish stock playa key role down to other food web components in pelagic ecosystem. It is generally accepted that biomanipulation becomes a potent tool for eutrophication control. For a practical application of this, however, further development and understanding of the food web under the specific lake condition on a whole-lake scale are needed. The question is how can we maintain the positive effects resulted from biomanipulation (fortuitous or planned) for a long period.
fish removal hiornanipulation;
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  • Reference
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