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Studies on Problems and Improvement of Introducing No Wetland Loss  

Kim, Yoon-Jung (Department of Environment Sciences and Engineering, College of Engineering, Ewha Womans University)
Lee, Sang-Don (Department of Environment Sciences and Engineering, College of Engineering, Ewha Womans University)
Publication Information
Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment / v.18, no.4, 2009 , pp. 235-243 More about this Journal
Wetlands considered to be an important natural resources because they provide biodiversity and habitat for species to breed and survive. In this regard, many countries in the world provide wetlands and have policies and laws to protect them. In Korea we hosted RAMSAR COP-10 at Changwon in 2008 representing Korea's endeavor to wetland protection. But, in the process of development Wetlands are easy target to be lost due its easy access and the laws and regulations to protect them are relatively weak. Thus, this research focused on the introduction of No Wetland Loss(NWL) and we can achieve wetland protection in the economy market ways. Thus, NWL should consider 1) a clear definition of NWL and harmony and consensus of introduction of NWL, 2) considering most wetlands be private we need a financial support for securing wetlands, 3) inventories for wetlands in Korea, draw a line of demarcation, technic to evaluate wetlands, 4) wetland restoration considering function of ecosystem not total amount of wetlands. Wetland protection should be a part of Basic Law of Water Management which in its progress and we need further studies on wetland protection because of watershed management, deserted agricultural paddies, etc.
Wetland Inventories; Demarcation; Wetland assessment technics; Basic Law of Water Management;
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  • Reference
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