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A Meaning of the Tan Pulse(彈脈) in the Qikoujiudaomai(氣口九道脈) Method for Examining the Eight Extra Meridians(奇經八脈) Pulse -Focusing on the Belt Pulse(帶脈)-  

Park, Geon Woo (Dept. Acupuncture & Moxibition, College of Korean Medicine, Dongguk University)
Hwang, Min Sub (Dept. Acupuncture & Moxibition, College of Korean Medicine, Dongguk University)
Yoon, Jong Hwa (Dept. Acupuncture & Moxibition, College of Korean Medicine, Dongguk University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Medical classics / v.35, no.1, 2022 , pp. 33-42 More about this Journal
Objectives : This paper is to find the meaning of Tan pulse in Qikooujiudamai Diagnosis, Methods : In terms of Qikooujiudamai, the position to diagnose the Intermittent Pulse is Kwan(關) position and the pulse is Tan(彈) pulse. To find the meaning of Tan pulse, the symptoms of Intermittent pulse were analyzed. Then the symptoms were analyzed in terms of both Qikooujiudamai Diagnosis and 28-pulse diagnosis to find the correlation. Results & Conclusions : The Tan pulse at Kwan position is related to Hyen(弦), Kin(緊), Hwal(滑), Dan(短) pulse in 28-pulse diagnosis. The symptom of disease of Intermittent pulse's diagnosis is mostly concluded to those 4 pulses. Qikooujiudamai is the diagnosis for acupucture treatment, but with 28-pulse diagnosis, it can be developed to usage of medicine.
Eight extra meridians; Intermittent pulse; Qikooujiudamai diagnosis; 28-pulse diagnosis;
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