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A Study on Nochae(勞瘵) in Comparison with Tuberculosis  

Yoon, Eunkyung (Institute of Korean Medical Classics)
Kim, Jong-hyun (Dept. of Korean Medical Classics & History, College of Korean Medicine, Gachon University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Medical classics / v.34, no.4, 2021 , pp. 119-136 More about this Journal
Objectives : The Korean Medical concept Nochae(勞瘵) has been identified as tuberculosis, which is defined as an infectious disease caused by Myobacterium Tuberculosis. However, this identification requires re-examination. Methods : The historical context of tuberculosis was examined, followed by examination of Nochae(勞瘵) as explained in the classical medical texts. The findings were compared. Results : Before tuberculosis was defined by Myobacterium Tuberculosis, there were various discussions on the disease, which overlapped greatly with Nochae(勞瘵). On the other hand, there were notable distinctions as well, which suggest key characteristics of Nochae(勞瘵). Conclusions : Tuberculosis pre-bacteria was understood as a consumptive and infectious disease manifested in symptoms in the Lungs. Nochae(勞瘵) was not defined by its lesion but rather within the contexts of deficiency-fatigue and being caused by parasites called Chung(蟲). Moreover, emotional fatigue was understood as the main cause of Nochae(勞瘵).
tuberculosis; Nochae(勞瘵); Myobacterium Tuberculosis; Chung(蟲); deficiency-fatigue(虛勞);
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