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Xueji's Gynecological Medical Records In Xiaozhufurenliangfang  

Lyu, Jeong-ah (Division of Humanities and Social Medicine, School of Korean Medicine, Pusan National University)
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Journal of Korean Medical classics / v.32, no.2, 2019 , pp. 49-70 More about this Journal
Objectives : Medical records of Xueji in the "Xiaozhufurenliangfang" were examined in this study which aimed to look at the medical situation in gynecology of China's Ming Dynasty period, in hopes for it to yield implications and treatment directions to gynecology in $21^{st}$ century Korea. Methods : The medical records were systematically organized with a medical anthropological approach along with overall analysis of the entire records, which lent meaningful statistical information in numeric form. A bibliographical review of the text as historical artifact was undertaken as well. Results : In managing gynecological conditions, Xueji frequently attributed them to depletion of Qi and Blood of the Spleen and Liver. In terms of pathogenic factors, he frequently mentioned Fire and Heat, and as etiological factors, emotional distress. For treatment, he frequently used 'Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang(補中益氣湯)', 'Xiao Yao San(逍遙散)' and 'Gui Pi Tang(歸脾湯)'. Conclusions : Through studying the medical records of Xueji in "Xiaozhufurenliangfang" a close look into a master's insight on gynecological disorders in terms of diagnosis and treatment was achieved. The formulas he used are widely applied even today, and this study shows that the formulas's clinical application could be expanded even wider.
gynecology; medical record; Xiaozhufurenliangfang; Xueji;
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