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A Study on Chu Cheng and His Ideas in the Medicine  

Kim, Jin-Ho (Dept. of Korean Medical Classics & History, College of Korean Medicine, Sang-Ji University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Medical classics / v.26, no.3, 2013 , pp. 19-32 More about this Journal
Objective : Chu Cheng(褚澄) was known as the author of Zayaofang(雜藥方) and Chushiyishu(褚氏遺書). His mentions in the medicine have been sufficiently told in his posterity. However, there have been no studies on Chu Cheng and his work like Chushiyishu in Korea. Here, I seek to investigate Chu Cheng and his ideas in the medicine. Method : I investigate Chushiyishu, known as written by Chu Cheng and his scattered portions. Result & Conclusion : His nom de plume(字) is Yandao(彦道). It was supposed that he was born before the year of 420, the era of Dong Jin(東晉) and died in 483. He wrote Zayaofang and Chushiyishu. However, the former was lost. The latter consists of 10 pieces of medical theories. The contents carved on the stone plate was discovered for the first time before 934 at a place presumed as his grave. Then, it was stored as the inner and outer coffins in the tomb of Xiao Guang(蕭廣) in 935 and written on the paper by Buddhist monk Shi Yikan(釋義堪) in 1127. Then, Liu Jixian(劉繼先) carved on the wood for publication and finally, the work was released in 1201. But, it deeply looks that the book was written by other follower. Chu Cheng was a doctor excellent in the inspection and pulse method and his medical ideas prioritized Huo(火) in Mingmen(命門) and Spleen(脾). He expressed his opinions on the four phases of life, sexes and birth defects through Yangjing(陽精) and Yinxue(陰血). In addition, he explained the human pathology through Qixue(氣血). Unsmooth flow of Qi causes diseases by congestion. The entity circulating Yinxue is Yang and protested using urine to treat the hemoptysis(咳血) instead of medicine with cold features. It was frequently mentioned by his predecessors with the fact that Chu Cheng used different medications on housewives from widows and Buddhist nun monks. In addition, Chu Cheng proposed various opinions on cure, diagnosis, treatment, drug usage, pulse positions and hermaphrodites(半陰陽).
Chu Cheng; Zayaofang(雜藥方); Chushiyishu;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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