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A Review on the Specialization of Chinese Medicine in Zhou Dynasty  

Cho, Yong Jun (School of History, Renmin University of China)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Medical classics / v.26, no.1, 2013 , pp. 17-25 More about this Journal
Objective : The main idea of this article is to investigate the specialization of Chinese traditional medicine. The ancient shaman played a bridge role between human beings and supernatural things like ghosts. Even though he didn't have the super power, the ancients believed that he could take care of all kinds of illness. Therefore, it can be said that the medicine of Zhou Dynasty was still under the shamanism although it had already started to be specialized and professionalized. And it was the important role of the ancient shaman of that period that gave patients the shamanistic treatment on the ground of the specialized medical knowledge, which was commonly activated during that time. Method : This article is going to look into the detailed aspects of the specialization of Chinese traditional medicine through the some kinds of written attestations of Zhou Dynasty. Result : The medical knowledge of that time stayed in the early stage, so it was simple and raw. Also it had scientific and unscientific characters in itself at the same time. That's why it could be included in the shamanism; the details can be offered through another article of mine entitled A Research of Shamanistic Medical Activities on Written Attestations in the Zhou Dynasty(兩周時期的醫療巫術), which is being written now. Conclusion : From beginning of the Eastern Zhou period, the medicine gradually got to be specialized. And then the specialized medical treatment and shamanistic medical activities began to be divided as the different two occupations. Searching for various written attestations of that period, we can see lots of records about the specialized medicine treatment such as acupuncture and moxibustion and the medical substances.
Zhou Dynasty; Traditional Chinese classics; Underground written attestations; Shamanistic treatment; The specialization of Chinese traditional medicine;
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