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A Literature Review about Labor theory and practice - Focused on Bulsusan(佛手散) -  

Lyu, Jeong-Ah (Dept. of Oriental Medical Classics, College of Oriental Medicine, KyungheeUniversity)
Jeong, Chang-Hyun (Dept. of Oriental Medical Classics, College of Oriental Medicine, KyungheeUniversity)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Medical classics / v.25, no.1, 2012 , pp. 173-196 More about this Journal
Object : From the ancient times, the importance of childbirth has been well recognized by Korean Traditional Medicine. Numeral methods have been developed to ease the labor process and keep the mother and child healthy from conception to labor. Bulsusan(佛手散) is one of the main remedies to healthy labor in KTM, both widely known and applied as well. Method : This paper examines the labor theory and practice of KTM focused on Bulsusan which is composed of Angelica gigas Nakai(當歸) and Cnidium officinale MAKINO(川芎). Result : 1. From the ancient times until the Q$\bar{i}$ng period, much attention was placed to the handling of the placenta, as it was conceived as bearing much relation to the health of the mother and her fate, and thus included in the labor process. 2. There was a recognition of the 'birth pulse[離經脈]', an intense change in the pulse that presents itself prior to somatic signs of labor. 3. There were numerous prescriptions that were administered beforehand to ease the process. They are mostly constituted with medicinals that nurture Gi(氣) and stimulate its flow, which in turn makes the fetus firm and reduces the volume, easing the labor process. 4. The medical practice of labor-induction was called 'Choesaeng(催生)'. The prescriptions which functioned as such were mostly constituted with blood medicinals such as Angelica gigas Nakai and Cnidium officinale MAKINO, those which nurture both Gi(氣) and blood, and medicinals that physically lubricate the labor pathway such as honey, oil and Talcum(滑石). Conclusion : Bulsusan can be used in most problems concerning pregnancy and labor, and cases of emergency blood loss due to injury. The term 'bulsu(佛手)' infers to the medical ability of the great doctor who takes care of major blood-loss situations resulting from discharge of dead fetus, cesarean delivery, etc. The prescription name takes after this meaning, as it deals with similar conditions in its effect.
childbirth; Bulsusan; hard labor; prevention;
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