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The Development History Of Disease Bi(痞病) Reflected In "Euhakibmun(醫學入門)"  

Jo, Hak-Jun (Dept. of Korean Medical Classics & Medical History, Semyung University)
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Journal of Korean Medical classics / v.24, no.5, 2011 , pp. 131-145 More about this Journal
I had come at the conclusion of the development history of Disease Bi(痞病) reflected in Yi Cheon (李梴)'s work, "Euhakibmun(醫學入門)" in the respects of the causes, mechanism, symptoms, differential diagnosis and treatments. The causes of Disease Bi(痞病) mentioned at "Euhakibmun(醫學入門)" followed the Ju Dan-Gyeo(朱丹溪)'s theory. The mechanism of it went after the viewpoints of "Nae-Gyeong(內經)", Jang Jung-Gyeong(張仲景), Yi Dong-Won(李東垣) and Wang Ho-Go(王好古). The symptoms of it kept the Ju Dan-Gyeo(朱丹溪)'s theory. Yi Cheon distinguished Disease Bi(痞病) from Gyeol-Hyung(結胸) according to Jang Jung-Gyeong's theory. He knew it from abdominal dropsy(脹滿) according to Ju Dan-Gyeo's theory. He also divided it into two respects of deficiency(虛) and excessive(實) from Yi Dong-Won's viewpoint. Jang Jung-Gyeong first suggested that treatments of it could be selected according to the difference of deficiency, excessive(實), cold(寒), hot(熱), sputum(痰), fluid(飮), blood(血) and food(食). Yi Dong-Won insisted many doctors could make a mistake because they only used herbs for Gi(氣藥) instead of herbs for blood(血藥) together. Wang Ho-Go(王好古) maintained his opinion that treatments of both digestion(消導) and assistance(補益), remedies of bitter and hot herbs can recover patients from Disease Bi(痞病). Yi Cheon followed their theories properly.
history of disease Bi(痞 病); causes and mechanism of disease Bi; symptoms of disease Bi; treatments of disease Bi; "Euhakibmun(醫學入門)";
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