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Characteristics of Soil Erosion on the Forest Fired Sites by Using Rainfall Simulator  

Lee, Heon Ho (Dept. of Forest Resources, College of Natural Resources Yeungnam University)
Joo, Jae Duk (Dept. of Forest Resources, College of Natural Resources Yeungnam University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science / v.95, no.6, 2006 , pp. 649-656 More about this Journal
The purpose of study is to measure soil erosion quantity for elapsed four years from the fire on forest fired sites of Dong-gu, Daegu. This study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of soil erosion by fire occurrence influencing on the soil erosion were. Also analysis result follows that the relations between soil erosion quantity and rainfall intensity, the slope and elapsed year. The results analysed were as follows: 1. Soil erosion by year of occurrence of forest fire was increased 1.9 to 5.7 times as rainfall intensity was increased by 30 m/hr, and 1.4 to 14.2% as degree of slope was increased by $10^{\circ}$. 2. In the first year of forest fire occurrence, soil erosion was fairly heavy for 10 minutes of initial rainfall of which rainfall intensity was 80 m/hr and degree of slope was $30^{\circ}$. The amount of soil erosion was gradually reduced as elapsed time. From two years after fire, the amount of soil erosion by rainfall intensity and degree of slope was nearly constant. 3. The amount of soil erosion by rainfall intensity and slope in accordance with elapsed time after fire was reduced 28.9 to 94.1% in three years after occurrence of forest fire as compared to the first year of fire. Soil erosion was fairly heavy by rainfall intensity and slope in the first year of fire, but it was gradually reduced from two years after fire. 4. In the analysis on influences of each factors on the amount of soil erosion on forest fired sites, the amount of soil erosion was significant differences in major impacts of each rainfall intensity, degree of slope and elapsed year after fire and interaction of rainfall intensity${\times}$degree of slope and rainfall intensity${\times}$elapsed year after fire, but no differences were observed in interaction of degree of slope${\times}$elapsed year after fire and rainfall intensity${\times}$degree of slope${\times}$elapsed year after fire. Rainfall intensity was the most affecting factor on the amount of soil erosion and followed by degree of slope and elapsed year after fire. 5. For correlation between soil erosion and affecting three factors, soil erosion showed significant positive relation with rainfall intensity and degree of slope at I % level, and significant negative relation with elapsed year after fire at 1 % level. 6. As a result of regression of affecting three factors on soil erosion. rainfall intensity was most significant impact factor in explaining the amount of soil erosion on forest fired sites, followed by degree of slope and elapsed year after forest fire. 7. The formula for estimating soil erosion using rainfall intensity, degree of slope and elapsed year after forest fire occurrence was made. S.E = 0.092R.I + 0.211D.S - 0.942E.Y(S.E : Soil erosion, R.I : Rainfall intensity, D.S : Degree of slope, E.Y : Elapsed year after forest fire occurrence)
forest fired sites; soil erosion; rainfall simulator;
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