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Implementation of FPGA-based Accelerator for GRU Inference with Structured Compression  

Chae, Byeong-Cheol (Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Korea University)
To deploy Gate Recurrent Units (GRU) on resource-constrained embedded devices, this paper presents a reconfigurable FPGA-based GRU accelerator that enables structured compression. Firstly, a dense GRU model is significantly reduced in size by hybrid quantization and structured top-k pruning. Secondly, the energy consumption on external memory access is greatly reduced by the proposed reuse computing pattern. Finally, the accelerator can handle a structured sparse model that benefits from the algorithm-hardware co-design workflows. Moreover, inference tasks can be flexibly performed using all functional dimensions, sequence length, and number of layers. Implemented on the Intel DE1-SoC FPGA, the proposed accelerator achieves 45.01 GOPs in a structured sparse GRU network without batching. Compared to the implementation of CPU and GPU, low-cost FPGA accelerator achieves 57 and 30x improvements in latency, 300 and 23.44x improvements in energy efficiency, respectively. Thus, the proposed accelerator is utilized as an early study of real-time embedded applications, demonstrating the potential for further development in the future.
AI Accelerator; FPGA; GRU; Human Action Recognition; Quantization; Pruning;
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