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Generation and Analysis of Pattern Classifier based on LFSRs  

Kwon, Sook-Hee (Department of Applied Mathmatics, Pukyong University)
Cho, Sung-Jin (Department of Applied Mathmatics, Pukyong University)
Choi, Un-Sook (Department of Information & Communications Engineering, Tongmyong University)
Kong, Gil-Tak (Department of Applied Mathmatics, Pukyong University)
Kim, Doo-Han (Department of Applied Mathmatics, Inje University)
In this paper, we propose a method for generating pattern classifier based on LFSR. The proposed pattern classifier bosed on LFSR is easy to see non-reachable state, and we can obtain dependency vector by using the 0-basic path. Also, we propose a method for generating pattern classifiers based on LFSR which correspond to given dependency vector.
LFSR; pattern classifier; dependency vector(DV); attractor; 0-basic path;
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