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Development of Position Awareness Algorithm Using Improved Trilateration Measurement Method  

Sohn, Jong-Hoon (동서대학교 일반대학원)
Hwang, Gi-Hyun (동서대학교)
In this paper, location recognition algorithm is developed to improve the accuracy using improve Trilateration. The location recognition algorithm is first calculate the location refer to the measured signal power. Error can be occurred when measure distance with arranged node in specific location. If the distance data is received from node (receiver, coordinator), Node selected for location calculation is defined through section. If the distance data is received from node (receiver, coordinator), Node selected for location calculation is defined through section. Second, we apply algorithm of section filtering. If there are 4 sections in node, we consider 1 section to 6 location recognition coordinates. A special characteristic drawback of RF is that the actual distance is actually farther than the calculated received distance data. This is error is incurred when the signal strength increases. We reduce the location recognition error by applying an improved algorithm as secondary after filtering primary through section filtering.
Trilateration; Position Awareness; RF Signal; Area Filter; Node;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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