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Comparison of Resting Energy Expenditure Using Indirect Calorimetry and Predictive Equations in Trauma Patients: A Pilot Study  

Ma, Dae Sung (Trauma Center, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Dankook University Hospital)
Lee, Gil Jae (Department of Trauma Surgery, Trauma Center, Gachon University Gil Medical Center)
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Journal of Trauma and Injury / v.34, no.1, 2021 , pp. 13-20 More about this Journal
Purpose: Nutritional therapy in the intensive care unit is an essential factor for patient progress. The purpose of this study was to compare resting energy expenditure (REE) calculated by prediction equations (PEs) to the REE measured by indirect calorimetry (IC) in trauma patients. Methods: Patients admitted to the trauma intensive care unit who received mechanical ventilation between January and December 2015 were enrolled. REE was measured by IC (CCM Express, MGC Diagnostics) and calculated by the following PEs: Harris-Benedict, Fleisch, Robertson and Reid, Ireton-Jones, and the maximum value (25 kcal/kg/day) of the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN). All patients were ventilated at a fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) below 60%. Results: Of the 31 patients included in this study, 24 (77.4%) were men and seven (22.6%) were women. The mean age of the patients was 49.7±13.2 years, their mean weight was 68.1±9.6 kg, and their mean Injury Severity Score was 26.1±11.3. The mean respiratory quotient on IC was 0.93±0.19, and their mean FiO2 was 38.72%±6.97%. The mean REE measured by IC was 2,146±444.36 kcal/day, and the mean REE values calculated by the PEs were 1,509.39±205.34 kcal/day by the Harris and Benedict equation, 1,509.39±154.33 kcal/day by the Fleisch equation, and 1,443.39±159.61 kcal/day by the Robertson and Reid equation. The Ireton-Jones equation yielded a higher value (2,278.90±202.35 kcal/day), which was not significantly different from the value measured using IC (p=0.53). The ESPEN maximum value (1,704.03±449.36 kcal/day) was lower, but this difference was likewise not significant (p=0.127). Conclusions: The REE measured by IC was somewhat higher than that calculated using PEs. Further studies are needed to determine the proper nutritional support for trauma patients.
Energy metabolism; Calorimetry, indirect; Wounds and injuries;
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