Optimal Insertion Angle between the Skin and Needle in Ultrasound-Guided Internal Jugular Vein Catheterization with Trauma Patients
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Jeon, Hyun Min
(Department of Emergency Medicine, Daejin Medical Center, Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital)
Jung, Sung Min (Department of Emergency Medicine, Daejin Medical Center, Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital) Jung, Ru Bi (Department of Emergency Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine) Jeon, Jin (Department of Emergency Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine) Hong, Chong Kun (Department of Emergency Medicine, Daejin Medical Center, Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital) Shin, Tae Yong (Department of Emergency Medicine, Daejin Medical Center, Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital) Ha, Young Rock (Department of Emergency Medicine, Daejin Medical Center, Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital) Kim, Young Sik (Department of Emergency Medicine, Daejin Medical Center, Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital) |
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