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Case Study of Supportive Music Imagery for Enhancing Self-Worth  

Park, Jieun (Department of Music Therapy, Seoul Cyber University)
Publication Information
Journal of Music and Human Behavior / v.17, no.2, 2020 , pp. 57-82 More about this Journal
As a case study of the application of supportive music and imagery (SMI), this study examined the impact of SMI in helping clients establish greater self-worth. Sense of self-worth was defined as trust and respect for the self as evidenced by understanding of one's individuality and uniqueness. Participants in the study were two adults in need of help with psychological challenges arising from low self-worth. Each of them participated in SMI sessions once a week, for a total of 6 weeks. Participants' statements on the imagery drawn by them during SMI sessions were analyzed in relation to components of the sense of self-worth. The results of this study showed that SMI sessions helped both clients recognize their internal resources and gaining insight into the value of their internal resources increased their evaluation of their own self-worth. Specific factors of SMI sessions that impacted the clients' self-worth and suggestions for future studies are also discussed.
supportive music and imagery; sense of self-worth; internal resource; case study;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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