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Thematic Analysis of the Therapeutic Song Writing Experience of Music Therapy Interns: A Focus Group  

Park, Chanyang (Hebron University for Missions)
Kim, Jinah (Jeonju University College of Cultural Convergence Dept. of Creative Arts Psychotherapy)
Publication Information
Journal of Music and Human Behavior / v.17, no.1, 2020 , pp. 1-24 More about this Journal
The internship is essential for the music therapy curriculum and affords interns the opportunity to apply their classroom-based knowledge and skills to real-world clinical settings. However, challenges associated with the internship can result in interns undergoing trial-and-error learning, interpersonal conflicts, and intrapersonal difficulties. An experiential music therapy group may be useful in helping interns process these incidents and develop their personal and professional skills. We explored the experiences of music therapy interns participating in therapeutic song writing. In this study, five music interns completed two 4-hour sessions of therapeutic song writing. Following the second session, a group interview was conducted with participants to gather data on their experiences. The interview was recorded, transcribed, and analyzed. Six themes and 18 sub-themes were derived from the data. The six themes were preconceptions of therapeutic song writing, meaningful lyric creation, challenges in song composition, structured experiences during song writing process, development of self-awareness through music, and relational experiences resulting from the group process. Participants were able to incorporate their individual internship experiences into a single song by communicating with group members during the step-by-step process. Participation in therapeutic song writing was found to help music therapy interns identify and process challenges encountered during their internship and further their personal and professional development.
music therapy interns; experiential group; therapeutic song writing; focus group;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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