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An Analysis of Keywords on 'School Space Innovation' Policies using Text Mining - Focused on News Articles -  

Lee, Dongkuk (충청북도단재교육연수원)
Publication Information
The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research / v.19, no.2, 2020 , pp. 11-20 More about this Journal
The goal of this study was to investigate the implementation and related issues of the school space innovation issued by key Korean mass media using text mining. To accomplish this goal, this study collected 519 news articles associated with the school space innovation issued by 54 Korean mass media companies. Based on this data, this study performed the frequency analysis and network analysis regarding the keywords. Based on the findings, the characteristics of school space innovation are summarized as follows: First, school space innovation has progressed in response to future education. Second, users are actively participating in school space innovation. Third, experts are supporting the innovation of school space by establishing a cooperative system. Fourth, the community is actively considering the innovation of school space. Fifth, the main projects of the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Offices of Education are actively conducted in a mix of top-down and bottom-up approaches. The findings of this study will contribute to providing a clear direction for contemporary school space innovation and implications for future research agenda and implementation.
School Space Innovation; Text Mining; Learning Environment Design; Future Education; Big Data Analysis;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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